Aquatic therapy

By: Michelle Barth

An amazing form of exercise for those with epilepsy is aquatic therapy. It provides a

safe and enjoyable way to stay active while also improving health.Research shows

that swimming can help reduce the severity and frequency of seizures while

improving both physical and mental health.

The physical benefits of swimming for those with epilepsy are numerous and include

improvements of joint flexibility, improved balance, and decrease in pain. It also

reduces mental health problems such as stress, which is further beneficial for

individuals with epilepsy. Further, swimming can improve coordination and balance to

prevent falls and injuries.

Social interaction is also important for individuals with epilepsy, and swimming allows

these new friendships to flourish and individuals to meet new people.

Overall, the benefits of swimming range from physical, social, and mental health. They

are incredibly beneficial with individuals suffering from epilepsy.

Swimming provides individuals with a sense of accomplishment as well and allows

individuals suffering to feel a new sense of control in their lives.

The current Plus One Foundation Mermaid Pass, created by the Mary “Mermaid”

McKillop Fund allows for individuals with epilepsy to have the opportunity to swim.

Inhonor of Mary McKillop who loved to swim but unfortunately passed away in late

2010, 100% of donations are used to pay for three-month swimming pool passes to

the Seattle Public Swimming Pools for individuals with neurological disorders.