Through the ONE Grant, the Plus One Foundation funds significantly life-changing opportunities for people with neurological conditions. This funding offers a unique chance to fulfill a dream that expands the experience of living.
The goal of this grant is to not only improve one individual's life but also to witness the 'ripple effect' of one person's positive experience on their family, friends, and community.
2024 Deadlines for Occasions Grant:
Apply by: March 20th Grant Status Notification: April 15th
Apply by: May 31st Grant Status Notification: June 30th
Apply by: August 31st Grant Status Notification: September 30th
Apply by: November 20th Grant Status Notification: December 31st
How to Apply
Requirements: All people with a neurological injury, disorder or disease may apply. Complete the on-line application or mail in a printed copy to the Plus One Foundation before the deadline to be considered for that round of grants. A Diagnosis Form signed by a physician is required. The ONE Grant is designed for opportunities of less than $1,000. Individuals may only receive this grant once. However, they may continue to apply for Occasions Grants.
New Applicants
Step 1: Complete the diagnosis form.
Step 2: Fill out the online application below OR click here to download a Word Document.
Thank You!
Plus One is grateful for the support the William E. Wockner Foundation has provided to the foundation since pre-Covid-19. Their support has helped our clients to get back into their life-enriching activities and allowed us to continue our mission to support patients during the pandemic.