Summer Spotlight

By Thomas Lehrich, President of Board

In this blog article we feature Plus One Foundation board member Kevin Johnston. Kevin, a registered nurse and nurse practitioner, published an educational piece for the Think aBout It campaign on his perspectives in primary care. His article offers an open view of the contributions nurses make and allows us to learn more about the day-to-day challenges and issues working in a primary care environment. We are thrilled to spotlight insider experiences from a nurse. To learn more open the full article in-Think aBout It-on the webpage. 

“As a nurse for many years and as a Nurse Practitioner, providing quality care for patients with neurological disease and injury has been challenging. Add the complexity of insurance coverage and reimbursement, shortages in trained specialists, and the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and it becomes a near perfect storm against getting the care needed.”

Kevin Johnston