Exercise and Wellness this summer- You can Hit the Deck with Plus One in July

By Thomas Lehrich, Board President 

Exercise has many health benefits that range from improving brain health to preventing cardiovascular disease, and even lower the risk for some cancers. Research has also found a strong link between exercise and the prevention of neurodegenerative symptoms.Because the brain and spinal cord control movement, exercise is strongly linked to central nervous system health.

Although there are numerous benefits, physical activity can also pose challenges for individuals with neurological issues so it can be beneficial to find a physical therapist who can help develop an exercise plan that is right for everyone.Other ways to enhance the benefits of exercise include stretching beforehand to aid in motion and incorporating aerobic activities such as cycling, swimming, and dancing. These aerobic activities increase heart rate improving circulation as well as various mental health benefits.

Are you seeking to improve your wellness level, stay accountable to your goals, and raise funds for individuals with neurological disorders?Plus One is hosting an event from August 1st to August 11th, a 10-day challenge for anyone to participate and you can do from anywhere. Last year we had swimmers in the pools in Europe, walkers in Seattle, cyclists in Asia and hikers and runners all over the USA.

Stayed tuned to learn more about the event.