Plus One Foundation

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TBI 2025!

In 2024 our educational team completed the first year of the highly watched Think aBout It series. 

With brain research as one of the last frontiers in medical research our yearlong education campaign on neurological conditions and TBIs is exciting for the community. Each month we featured educational information and outreach on a contemporary neurological topic. 

We know that about 2.8 million Americans sustain brain injuries each year, and an estimated 5.3 million Americans are living with disabilities related to traumatic brain injury. That means, for many, the effects of TBIs are long lasting. 

We are announcing TBI25 Think aBout It. Each quarter we will continue to explore topics in traumatic brain injuries, music therapy and neurology, neurodegenerative diseases and resources for caregivers.  

In October we begin TBI25 with a segment on Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE). The team will cover research on chronic traumatic encephalopathy and other long-term consequences of repetitive brain trauma.

Education is at the heart of what we do; our Think aBout It campaign aims to dig deeper into all aspects of TBIs and neurological conditions. Look for the upcoming segment on CTE this fall.

You can learn more about our education campaign here.

Thomas Lehrich, Plus One Foundation.